Kingdom of Broken Shackles

The Kingdom of Broken Shackles is a reclusive nation of Orcs that claimed and settled a large swath of land in the middle of the frontier after the Second Frost war.


This large parcel of land is hemmed in by a circular mountain range with few passes leading into it.

It formally belonged to the Elven Kingdom of Irandel that was destroyed during the second Frost War by the orcs.


It is an unusually fertile land where the orcs herd wild beasts and even conduct agriculture and stick to their own kind without outside interference.


Unlike most of the other orc tribes and clans that infest the frontier, the Kingdom of Broken shackles sticks to their territory honoring the treaty they signed with the Kingdom of Caramdor at the conclusion of the Second Frost War.


However, they do treat trespassers harshly and aggressively not tolerating any non-orc visitors without express permission on their claimed lands.


The orcs are fierce warriors trained from birth to wield weapons of war.


Every orc is a soldier in the hordes of the Kingdom regardless of sex. Female orcs are often in positions of leadership, their physical prowess generally equal to that of male orcs.


The Orcs have a captured Elven Airship, plundered during the Great Orc Uprising.


Orcs in general are universally hated by all other races.

The Kingdom of Broken shackles is no different however, a treaty between these orcs and  Caramdor has held for two centuries.


Even the Elves and Dwarves honour this peace, with great restraint.

All orcs and half-orcs are welcome within the kingdom’s borders but they all must respect the laws and honored agreement between the orcs and humans.


Orcs clans and tribes that don’t share the kingdom’s vision for its people forge their own destinies outside the kingdom.


Many clans and tribes within the Kingdom want to break the peace, but the current Chieftan Warlord is a descendent of the Great Marak-Khar and holds true to God-Cheiftan’s vision for his people.

Major Settlements

 Kingdom Capital


Marak-Khar: – 10,000 population


Known Clans and known Tribes


Blood Blades Clan – Tribes – Burning Blades, Bleeding Skulls, Fell Spears, Red Hands

Rock Claws Clan – Tribes -Stone Grinders, Blood Spears, Red Axes

Storm Fangs Clan – Tribes Hammer Caller, Crag Maw, Giant Slayer, Frost Banes

Crooked Teeth Clan – Tribes -One Tusk, Trap Jaws, Saw Tooth, Yellow Fangs,

Venom Leaf Clan – Tribes – Stone Moss, Poison Arrow, Dark Shadow, Dire Wolf, Blood Oak, Venom Fang

Bad Moons Clan – Tribes – Bone Smasher, Skull Renders, Flayed Ones,

Thousand Axes Clan – Tribes –

Shattered Skulls Clan – Tribes –

Blue Raider Clan -Tribes-






Clan Leaders

Chieftan Warlord

Capital City








Major Religions