Amberton is a large town of farmers, fishers and brewers acting as a major waystation on the trade route between Fairhaven and Rivermouth on the Wild Run.
Lord Tambil is the incompetent and absent ruler of the town. He is largely aloof to the plight of his people and leaves the running of the town to the small elected council while he is on extended visits to the city of Fairhaven.
Amberton is under the heel of the hobgoblins of Kurig’s Hold, who dwell in the Wild Moor and demand tribute several times a year from the town under threat of violence.
Amberton has a capable militia but it is not large enough to reliably defend the city against the hobgoblin menace and their goblin slaves.
To stave off invasion, residents give all manner of tributes to the hobgoblins in order to remain unmolested.
The hobgoblins’ demands have left the community run down and in need of much help.