steam punk head

Artificer Spell List: Everything from Acid to Web

What does artificer mean?

The term Artificer, one who practices artifice, comes from Latin. “Ars/art” meaning “art” and “facere” meaning “make”. So literally, an artificer is one who makes art. But we’ve taken that and honed it even further to mean “one who makes and uses magical objects, artfully.”

glow hand


Is artificer official 5e?

Artificers are not an official class in Dungeons and Dragons 5e, but they show up in the Unearthed Arcana “Eberron”, put out by Wizards. So it’s sort of a strange situation; they are canon, but they’re a rare class outside of the Eberron setting.

They may have been developed to attract new players from the craze of Steampunk as a really good role-playing opportunity to play in a world with the aesthetics they were enjoying.

What can an artificer make?

Artificers can craft magical items, brew potions, and infuse themselves or allies with magically enhanced abilities.

Like, you will have great things to share with your party, but sometimes those things are just as likely to blow off your eyebrows as they are to save you… Based on which subclass you pick you can even specialise in making different things.

The three subclasses are:

  • alchemist, focused on potions and elixirs
  • artilerist, focused on ranged weaponry and defences
  • battle smith, focused on constructs and combat

glowy jars


Can Artificers learn spells?

Oh yes. Very yes. I’ve got a masterlist of what level spell you would be able to learn down below!

Can Artificers use scrolls?

If the scroll is for a spell not on the artificer spell list (below), no, you cannot use the scroll. However, if it IS, yes you can.

If the spell is on the spell list but of a higher level than you can normally cast, you must make an ability check (Spellcasting Ability) to determine whether you cast it successfully.

The DC is 10 plus the spell’s level. If failed, the spell disappears from the scroll, nothing happens, roll for sadness.

Can Artificers use spell books?

No, only wizards can use spell books. You could maybe get yourself a nice book and write your own spells in it, and call it a spell book, but it will be a mundane object and not “an official spell book”.

wizzard onelk


Do Artificers need components?

Yes! Be sure to stock the things you will need to cast your spells, and keep a belt or purse or something so you can to make sure your components are on your body at all times!



How do Spell Slots work with Artificer?

Here’s the table of when you get a new spell slot as an artificer as you level up:

Artificer Spell List (Master List, All Spells)

Here we go: every spell you can learn as an Artificer! May you aim true and roll high!

Artificer Leveling

The Artificer Spell Slots per Spell Level
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Infusions Known Infused Items Cantrips Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
1st 2 Magical Tinkering, Spellcasting 2 2
2nd 2 Infuse Item 4 2 2 2
3rd 2 Artificer Specialist, The Right Tool for the Job 4 2 2 3
4th 2 Ability Score Improvement 4 2 2 3
5th 3 Artificer Specialist feature 4 2 2 4 2
6th 3 Tool Expertise 6 3 2 4 2
7th 3 Flash of Genius 6 3 2 4 3
8th 3 Ability Score Improvement 6 3 2 4 3
9th 4 Artificer Specialist feature 6 3 2 4 3 2
10th 4 Magic Item Adept 8 4 3 4 3 2
11th 4 Spell-Storing Item 8 4 3 4 3 3
12th 4 Ability Score Improvement 8 4 3 4 3 3
13th 5 8 4 3 4 3 3 1
14th 5 Magic Item Savant 10 5 4 4 3 3 1
15th 5 Artificer Specialist feature 10 5 4 4 3 3 2
16th 5 Ability Score Improvement 10 5 4 4 3 3 2
17th 6 10 5 4 4 3 3 3 1
18th 6 Magic Item Master 12 6 4 4 3 3 3 1
19th 6 Ability Score Improvement 12 6 4 4 3 3 3 2
20th 6 Soul of Artifice 12 6 4 4 3 3 3 2

Artificer Cantrip Spells

Spell Name School Casting Time Range Duration Components
Acid Splash Conjuration 1 Action 60 Feet Instantaneous V, S
Booming Blade Evocation 1 Action Self (5-foot radius) 1 round S, M
Create Bonfire Conjuration 1 Action 60 Feet Concentration up to 1 minute V, S
Dancing Lights Evocation 1 Action 120 Feet Concentration up to 1 minute V, S, M
Fire Bolt Evocation 1 Action 120 Feet Instantaneous V, S
Frostbite Evocation 1 Action 60 Feet Instantaneous V, S
Green-Flame Blade Evocation 1 Action Self (5-foot radius) Instantaneous S, M
Guidance Divination 1 Action Touch Concentration up to 1 minute V, S
Light Evocation 1 Action Touch 1 hour V, M
Lightning Lure Evocation 1 Action Self (15-foot radius) Instantaneous V
Mage Hand Conjuration 1 Action 30 Feet 1 minute V, S
Magic Stone Transmutation 1 Bonus Action Touch 1 minute V, S
Mending Transmutation 1 Minute Touch Instantaneous V, S, M
Message Transmutation 1 Action 120 feet 1 round V, S, M
Poison Spray Conjuration 1 Action 10 feet Instantaneous V, S
Prestidigitation Transmutation 1 Action 10 feet Up to 1 hour V, S
Ray of Frost Evocation 1 Action 60 feet Instantaneous V, S
Resistance Abjuration 1 Action Touch Concentration up to 1 minute V, S, M
Shocking Grasp Evocation 1 Action Touch Instantaneous V, S
Spare the Dying Necromancy 1 Action Touch Instantaneous V, S
Sword Burst Conjuration 1 Action Self (5-foot radius) Instantaneous V
Thorn Whip Transmutation 1 Action 30 feet Instantaneous V, S, M
Thunderclap Evocation 1 Action Self (5-foot radius) Instantaneous S
1st Level Artificer Spells
Spell Name School Casting Time Range Duration Components
Absorb Elements Abjuration 1 Reaction Self 1 round S
Alarm Abjuration 1 Action 30 feet 8 Hours V, S, M
Arcane Weapon Transmutation 1 Bonus Action Self Concentration, up to 1 hour V, S
Catapult Transmutation 1 Action 60 feet Instantaneous S
Cure Wounds Evocation 1 Action Touch Instantaneous V, S
Detect Magic Divination 1 Action Self Concentration, up to 10 minutes V, S
Disguise Self Illusion 1 Action Self 1 hour V, S
Expeditious Retreat Transmutation 1 Bonus Action Self Concentration, up to 10 minutes V, S
Faerie Fire Evocation 1 Action 60 feet Concentration, up to 1 minute V
False Life Necromancy 1 Action Self 1 hour V, S, M
Feather Fall Transmutation 1 Reaction 60 feet 1 minute V, M
Grease Conjuration 1 Action 60 feet 1 minute V, S, M
Identify Divination 1 Minute Touch Instantaneous V, S, M
Jump Transmutation 1 Action Touch 1 minute V, S, M
Longstrider Transmutation 1 Action Touch 1 hour V, S, M
Purify Food and Drink Transmutation 1 Action 10 feet Instantaneous V, S
Sanctuary Abjuration 1 Bonus Action 30 feet 1 minute V, S, M
Snare Abjuration 1 Minute Touch Until dispelled or triggered V, S, M
Tasha’s Caustic Brew Evocation 1 Action Self (30-foot line) Concentration, up to 1 minute V, S, M
2nd Level Artificer Spells
Spell Name School Casting Time Range Duration Components
Aid Abjuration 1 Action 30 Feet 8 hours V, S, M
Alter Self Transmutation 1 Action Self Concentration, up to 1 hour V, S
Arcane Lock Abjuration 1 Action Touch Until dispelled V, S, M
Blur Illusion 1 Action Self Concentration, up to 1 minute V
Continual Flame Evocation 1 Action Touch Until dispelled V, S, M
Darkvision Transmutation 1 Action Touch 8 hours V, S, M
Enhance Ability Transmutation 1 Action Touch Concentration, up to 1 hour V, S, M
Enlarge/Reduce Transmutation 1 Action 30 feet Concentration, up to 1 minute V, S, M
Heat Metal Transmutation 1 Action 60 feet Concentration, up to 1 minute V, S, M
Invisibility Transmutation 1 Action Touch Concentration, up to 1 hour V, S, M
Lesser Restoration Abjuration 1 Action Touch Instantaneous V, S
Levitate Transmutation 1 Action 60 feet Concentration, up to 10 minutes V, S, M
Magic Mouth Illusion 1 Minute 30 feet Until dispelled V, S, M
Magic Weapon Transmutation 1 Bonus Action Touch Concentration, up to 1 hour V, S
Protection from Poison Abjuration 1 Action Touch 1 hour V, S
Pyrotechnics Transmutation 1 Action 60 feet Instantaneous V, S
Rope Trick Transmutation 1 Action Touch 1 hour V, S, M
See Invisibility Divination 1 Action Self 1 hour V, S, M
Skywrite Transmutation 1 Action Sight Concentration, up to 1 day V, S
Spider Climb Transmutation 1 Action Touch Concentration, up to 1 hour V, S, M
Web Conjuration 1 Action 60 feet Concentration, up to 1 hour V, S, M
3rd Level Artificer Spells
Spell Name School Casting Time Range Duration Components
Blink Transmutation 1 Action Self 1 minute V, S
Catnap Enchantment 1 Action 30 feet 10 minutes S, M
Create Food and Water Conjuration 1 Action 30 feet Instantaneous V, S
Dispel Magic Abjuration 1 Action 120 feet Instantaneous V, S
Elemental Weapon Transmutation 1 Action Touch Concentration, up to 1 hour V, S
Flame Arrows Transmutation 1 Action Touch Concentration, up to 1 hour V, S
Fly Transmutation 1 Action Touch Concentration, up to 10 minutes V, S, M
Glyph of Warding Abjuration 10 Minutes Touch Until dispelled or triggered V, S, M
Haste Transmutation 1 Action 30 feet Concentration, up to 1 minute V, S, M
Intellect Fortress Abjuration 1 Action 30 feet Concentration, up to 1 hour V
Protection from Energy Abjuration 1 Action Touch Concentration, up to 1 hour V, S
Revivify Necromancy 1 Action Touch Instantaneous V, S, M
Tiny Servant Transmutation 1 Minute Touch 8 hours V, S
Water Breathing Transmutation 1 Action 30 feet 24 hours V, S, M
Water Walk Transmutation 1 Action 30 feet 1 hour V, S, M
4th Level Artificer Spells
Spell Name School Casting Time Range Duration Components
Arcane Eye Divination 1 Action 30 feet Concentration, up to 1 hour V, S, M
Elemental Bane Transmutation 1 Action 90 feet Concentration, up to 1 minute V, S
Fabricate Transmutation 10 Minutes 120 feet Instantaneous V, S
Freedom of Movement Abjuration 1 Action Touch 1 hour V, S, M
Leomund’s Secret Chest Conjuration 1 Action Touch Instantaneous V, S, M
Mordenkainen’s Faithful Hound Conjuration 1 Action 30 feet 8 hours V, S, M
Mordenkainen’s Private Sanctum Abjuration 1 Action 120 feet 24 hours V, S, M
Otiluke’s Resilient Sphere Evocation 1 Action 30 feet Concentration, up to 1 minute V, S, M
Stone Shape Transmutation 1 Action Touch Instantaneous V, S, M
Stoneskin Abjuration 1 Action Touch Concentration, up to 1 hour V, S, M
Summon Construct Conjuration 1 Action 90 feet Concentration, up to 1 hour V, S, M
5th Level Artificer Spells
Spell Name School Casting Time Range Duration Components
Animate Objects Transmutation 1 Action 120 feet Concentration, up to 1 minute V, S
Bigby’s Hand Evocation 1 Action 120 feet Concentration, up to 1 minute V, S, M
Creation Illusion 1 Action 30 feet Special V, S, M
Greater Restoration Abjuration 1 Action Touch Instantaneous V, S, M
Skill Empowerment Transmutation 1 Action Touch Concentration, up to 1 hour V, S
Transmute Rock Transmutation 1 Action 120 feet Instantaneous V, S, M
Wall of Stone Evocation 1 Action 120 feet Concentration, up to 10 minutes V, S, M



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