
Star Wars is without a doubt the most recognizable sci-fi/fantasy franchise. The original movies ignited the imaginations of millions with its jaw-dropping special effects, lovable cast of characters, and compelling storyline. In the many years before Disney, and even before Lucas decided to film the prequel...

R.A Salvatore is perhaps the most popular D&D author of all time, having penned the much-loved tales of the Legendary Drizzt series. He stunned D&D enthusiasts with the much-loved Icewind Dale Trilogy and its first book The Crystal Shard in 1988. However immediately after finishing the trilogy,...

The Riftwar Saga is the first trilogy, in an epic series that spans over 30 books, where Feist weaves tales that balance adventure, epic battles, and political intrigue. Magician is the first book in the series focusing on two young fosterlings, Pug and Thomas. Their journey...

Games Workshop's 40K universe is one of the most recognizable IPs in sci-fi/fantasy. While the core of their business model revolves around mini-wargaming, the popularity of the setting has spawned some truly amazing books. Whether you are a 40K veteran or new to the setting, Sandy...

For those that have tables that like to be immersed with battle maps, props, handouts and visual stimuli (you know the stuff that takes DMs forever to create!) then read on. As a DM, I know firsthand that time management can be tricky. Prepping for sessions,...

Fantasy is without a doubt one of the most popular styles of literary fiction. Within this genre, a diverse landscape sub-genre, each with their own appeal, exist to entertain fantasy enthusiasts. The heavyweight of this bunch is Epic Fantasy, a sub-genre made popular by all-time great...

New In Books Author Spotlight By Selena In Author Interviews, EBook, Fantasy, News 13 Jul 2022   What’s the story behind the story? What inspired you to write The Tome of Syyx? Fantasy has played a big role in my life. My first taste of the genre was a Dungeons & Dragons novel in the Forgotten Realms setting,...

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