
What are the Eldritch invocations? In D&D, when your warlock hits 2nd level, you get the Eldritch Invocations feature, granting you awesome ways to improve your eldritch blast spamming  additional abilities and or magical spells, which helps set your warlock apart from other spellcasters. Are Eldritch invocations...

(Scroll to the bottom for Free Curse of Strahd Battle Maps)   The Curse of Strahd is a pre-made role playing game adventure, published by Wizards of the Coast as an official piece of 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons (the world's most popular roleplaying game). It has everything...

This legendary item may only enter into a campaign when the DM makes it happen; it will derail everything and is not to be trifled with! Your character is essentially playing Russian Roulette with a magical item. The effects are drastic and permanent; how you...

A classic fantasy race, elves have been split into many subraces, each with their own unique take on the world, physical characteristics, skills, powers, and abilities. Of the subraces (high elves, wood elves, and dark elves), the ethereal Moon Elves (a high elf) are the most...

Warforged are one of the playable fictional races of creatures in the Eberron campaign setting. They are living constructs, sentient, and superficially similar to golems. If you want to RP Iron Man in a D&D campaign setting, this is your chance to be your own...

A wise dog once said: "Suckin' at something is the first step to being sorta good at something." In Dungeons and Dragons, that first step includes picking what skills your character knows. Tailoring your character to your playstyle means knowing what skills are available to you,...

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