Author: Stav Saristavros

Did firearms render armour obsolete in the late Middle Ages/Renaissance?   The short answer is… It’s complicated. There is no doubt that with the advancements of firearms in the medieval/renaissance period, we saw the gradual diminishment of armour use but there is a very common misconception that firearms...

What is this clockwork creature, this mindless automaton? What is this metal Mike Wazowski lookin' thing? And hold up, is that other mechanical Staryu lookin dude? FIVE arms, really? Come at me bro- oh heck on second thought maybe do not hit me with your melee...

A popular choice for your warlock's patron deity is that of the Raven Queen. While not an official patron in 5e, the Raven Queen was a proposed warlock patron in Unearthed Arcana. The Raven Queen is a complex companion on your warlock's journey, granting you alternate...

What are the Eldritch invocations? In D&D, when your warlock hits 2nd level, you get the Eldritch Invocations feature, granting you awesome ways to improve your eldritch blast spamming  additional abilities and or magical spells, which helps set your warlock apart from other spellcasters. Are Eldritch invocations...

Paladins take oaths to help guide them along their journey. As a paladin, your interactions with the world are shaped by this oath, and filters into everything you do, an overarching tenet that colors your choices. So what happens if you break your oath? What if...

What is a Simic hybrid? Simic Hybrids are lore-locked quite hard onto the Ravnica setting, but their stats represent a rather flexible opportunity for you to play as a “monster” or “mutant”. If you want to try out an innovative mishmash of physical characteristics, build yourself...

This pre-made adventure campaign is designed to take your D&D party from levels 1-11, being played with the same group for months and months. The flavor of it makes it feel different from your standard 'paladins, dungeons, dragons, wizards, orcs' kind of D&D, and will take...

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